Smoked by a Baby Jogger

When I hear about something special, I feel almost obligated to write about it.

When my friend and part of my OBX marathon running crew, Mike Beigay told me that he was running the Runway 5k today. I wished him luck.

When he said that he was entered in the baby jogger division, I thoroughly expected him to win it hands down.

After all Mike has been running some awesome times this fall without a baby jogger in front of him. Putting one in front of him on a flat course, you definitely would not expect to see him slowed very much.

And, he didn't disappoint me. He ran a very fast 17:41. A lot of people including myself would be happy with that time.

No, what really surprised was when Mike IMed me on faceback and said that he didn't win the baby jogger division.

My jaw nearly hit the floor.

IMing him back, what do you mean that you didn't win your division? He said "Rocky Falcone showed up and ran a 16:48 with a baby jogger".

16:48, WOW! Rocky's baby had better have a full face mask and gloves because at 16:48 he or she would definitely get a wind burn.

This just goes to show you that Charlotte has some of the fast parents around and when you see them coming down the street with their baby joggers; you have better give them some extra room. They just might run you over. (Laughing out Loud)


Tales from the Baby Jogger Division


-btw – Mike, you will get Rocky next time.



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