Just hours remain between me and OBX
This morning things were busy but fun.
Waking up early, I wondered around the house and snacked on a banana.
Around mid morning, Ben, Megan, Dan, Mike, and I headed over to the First Flight School to help out with the fun run. The kids were so excited about running and it was a beautiful morning for it. These OBX guys do a wonderful job with their community efforts and it was fantastic be a part of those marvelous efforts.
After the fun run, we headed back to the trail section on the OBX course for one last run where Ben, Megan, Dan, and Mike joined me for an easy four miles. Mike must have been feeling rather good because he even joined me for my last Tabata workout.
And before you ask why I was doing a Tabata workout right before my marathon, it is all about routine. Before each race this fall, I did a Tabata workout. And since it has been working, why not continue to do it.
After the trail run we were all starved so Subway was chosen for lunch, but my lunch was nothing special: 6 in. grilled chicken on whole wheat with some veggies and bottle of water. Have to keep everything very bland today and avoid any new foods.
We did make a few more stops before heading back to the house. Dan needed some coffee. I wanted to pick up some snack size cliff bars and Mike wanted some garlic bread for dinner.
Once we got back to the house, I grabbed a shower, a couple of bags of ice, and am resting quietly on the bed watching the Nationwide race.
Dinner is at 4:30 this evening and it is lights out by 8:30.
"Wheels up" is at 5:30 AM Sunday morning so we can make our 7:20 start time.
Tales from a runner who is as ready as he can be.
Mark H.