Charlotte Running Club Social

All I can say is "Wow". When I first joined the Charlotte Running Club, they had just started the club a few months back and had maybe 30 members. Now the club has a membership list of well over a 100 runners. And that is in less than a full year of existence.

Last night was the first club social at the Dilworth Bar and Grill and while I arrived late there were still a lot people hanging out.

I got chance to chat with Aaron, Jay, Allen, Paul and a few others. I wish that I had more time because there were so many people that I have not met before. Oh well, I am sure Jay, Aaron, and Caitlin will have another club social. I'll keep my fingers crossed that I don't have two club socials on the same night.

If you are interested in finding out more about the Charlotte Running Club click here. They are a great, friendly club with members that are always looking to hook up for group runs.


Tales from a runner that people are now calling the social butterfly.


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