Monday morning injury report

Only a few more days are left before the Tobacco Road Marathon and I guess that I am ready.

My Achilles still has some swelling and the grapefruit size knot that I can feel in the back of my calf last week is now down to a tennis ball size knot today. That is if you want to call it an improvement.

I did notice something different this morning. My left shin is sore. I didn't notice it in either my 20 miler on Saturday or the 10 miler yesterday.

So I am erring on the side of caution and have my Achilles wrapped with an ice back on one side and my shin wrapped with an ice bag on the other.

Walking is a little more difficult with the extra ice, but hey, I am still running so life is good.


Otherwise, just trying to stay healthy for this weekend – The Cool Down Runner



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