Very Cool Morning for a Miner’s Run

Rolled out of bed early this morning and headed across Charlotte for our regular Tuesday edition of the Miner's Run. At this hour Charlotte roads are pretty much empty but during the last mile to PDS, I fell in behind this pickup truck. For some reason, I wondered where this guy was going at 5AM in the morning.

Following him along, he turns into PDS and into the parking where we park. It was then that I recognized the truck which belonged to Mike B. Go figure.

This may be our last cool morning for a while which gave me extra incentive to stay in my nice warm car. In addition, I took advantage this last opportunity and I closed my eyes just for a second. Oh, the feeling was so good. Always before this run, my thoughts drift off to "why do I get up so early and do this". Then Jay, Steve, and Megan arrived. Stan put in a cameo appearance – just kidding Stan. Later we picked up Aaron, Mike K, and Paul on our way to Mc Alpine.

Then somewhere around 7 miles the realization sets in – as it usually does. I would rather be out here running and hanging with these guys than doing anything else.



See you guys next week and I will be filming at the start of the run so dress nice. J


Thoughts from the Cool Down Runner


Stephen Spada said…
Always great that you take the extra time to meet up with us so we can "Mine" together! Thanks Bill...

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