Adventure Runs II @ TrySports
We pitched our table and CRC banner up at the Adventures Run
held at TrySports last night. Similar to last month the weather was great but
windy. I opted to leave the big stuff at home and just go with what I could
tape down.
Chatted with the ladies from FlyWheel and Nathan. Really
cool to hear about some of the stuff that they have in the works. Got my picture takened with Jennifer while she was riding one of the demo FlyWheel bikes.
Jennifer was telling me about their Wednesday evening spin and
run bricks. As hard as a break workout is, I love the feeling from accomplishing
both in one workout. I have to check it out during the summer. For those that don't know, there is a FlyWheel at the corner of Providence and Sharon Lane. This is where I go for my FlyWheel Classes.
To to the event itself, news of the brews and food brought out a larger crowd this
month. Kat sent everyone off around 6:35 with maps and little plastic bags to
keep their tickets dry. Runners could hit as many spots as they wanted. Some were with in a mile and half walk. Paul
had a hand full of tickets when he returned so he must have every spot on the 5 mile course.
Oliver, Brent, Alex, and Jessica keep thing rolling at the store while the
runners were making their rounds.
Kat had a huge table filled with items to give away.
The store also gave away an adult cruiser bike. The bike had
to be a $400 dollar value. If it keeps growing in the next month or two, they
will have a hundred runners. Then, they will need to make good on their promise
to give away a tread mill.
I like the direction that Kat has the SP store headed. They
are definitely getting their self noticed.
The next Adventure Run is set for 6/5/14 at 6:30 PM. If you have any questions about these runs, definitely reach out to the stores. I am sure they will be happy to answer any questions.
The next Adventure Run is set for 6/5/14 at 6:30 PM. If you have any questions about these runs, definitely reach out to the stores. I am sure they will be happy to answer any questions.
Sharing one thought at time,
The Cool Down Runner