Is the day over yet?

Is my day over yet? I hope it ends soon so I can move on to tomorrow. Complaining about it being a long day is probably not the most ideal way to justify my paltry mental attitude. Mike was up and heading toward the Miner's Run before my alarm clock even thought of raising a roar that would come to resonate throughout my room.

Miner's is one of the best ongoing runs in Charlotte. However, I have been skipping the Miner's Run lately for two major reasons. First, 5:30 AM comes long before the crack of dawn to run but even earlier when one has to drive across town. Add to it, the mercury is only able to reach numbers which make me think about just one thing. A warm and cozy bed being the best place to stay until the sun has at least crested over the horizon.

The other reason has less to do with the start time and the temperature but rather with something that we all preciously need – sleep. Lord knows that I need all of the beauty sleep that I can get. Each day that passes I am looking less and less like my twin - Fabio. But of course, even if I slept like Rip Van Winkle, I don't think my looks would come to match Fabio. Looks aside, slumber time gives the body a chance to repair most of the damage that comes from the day's hard work. The blissful time between dusk and dawn allow the rest needed so we can once again train to our fullest when the day begins anew.

Is my day over yet? Yes, I think it is. My post is now complete.


Sharing one thought at a time,

The Cool Down Runner


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