Social Distancing

Today, I was talking with one my friends, and I was going on about the loneliness of a long distance runner.

Yes, having a buddy to share the miles certainly helps. No argument here.

However, lately, there has been a no fly zone for running buddies. Runners really need to heed the warnings our government health officials. Runners right now need to be doing all of their runs solo, and I am going to tell you exactly why this should be the case.

If I were to run with a buddy, and they later develop this Corona Virus and die from it, while I would never be sure that they got it from me, doubt would always lay on my mind for the rest of my life. I do not want this to ever be the case. No, the best option is to for now run alone. I want my running buddies to be around for many years to come and giving me a hard time along the way.  At no point do I want to put their lives at risk.

Just think about this before you ask someone to run with you. You will survive, and eventfully, you will be able to run with them again.

The Cool Down Runner


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