St. Patrick’s Day Run
Once again this year, Eimear invited me down for their St. Patrick's Day 4.6 mile run and once again, I accepted.
As luck would have it the day arrived hot and muggy for a spring day and my training plan would call for a long run.
So come 5pm, I headed down the Central Y and then off running. I met up with Eimear the rest of the crew behind the Charlotte Running Company where the run always starts.
I chatted for a few minutes with Paul and April. We took some pictures and then headed off.
Eimear quickly jumped out front and was making fast work of the pace. We worked our way through the first mile and started the 2nd mile. Alyson took over leading our merry band of runners with Anthony, Jon, and myself tucked in. I might add that Jon takes 1 step for every 2 that I take or just about anyone takes. Being tall can have its advantages.
We started churning up hill and I did my best to pull us up the hill. Then, they would come flying pass by me on the downhill. In full disclosure, I was working on miles 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16 during this little jaunt so I was anything but frisky. The same pattern continued – me pulling us up hill and them passing me going down. And at the same time we were all talking and having a good time.
We came down the last hill by Freedom Park and this is where we would start the final climb back the finish. I took up the challenge of the uphill pacing with Jon following close behind. I fully expected him to go flashing by at any moment.
Instead, I crossed the line in 31:40 to Jon's 31:42. This turned out to be an awesome day and it was nice to go hang out with some others for run. New people mean new stories to listen to while we pass the miles.
Unfortunately, my long run beckoned me onward with two final easy miles back to the Y so I couldn't stay and hang out afterwards. I was really disappointed not being able to stay.
To Eimear, I do appreciate the invite and to everyone else, it was very nice meeting you.
Here are the results from our little run.
Bill Shires 31:40
Jon: 31:42
Alyson: 31:59
Anthony: 32:09
Paul: 32:56
Bryan/MC: 33:04
Eimear: 34:37
Susi: 38:42
Jeri: 39:32
Stephen: 42:05
Christina: 43:09
Amy: 43:13
April: 43:17