Run the Ridge 5k – Race Recap

I have laboring along for seven weeks now and haven't stepped anywhere near a race. Part of the reason I just didn't think my hamstring would handle it and the other part; I just didn't want to run a race where I was just going through the motions. By this I mean racing but not being able to run hard.

Finally Saturday morning I bit the bullet to use a lame expression and toed the line at the Run the Ridge 5k.

The race started at 8AM and I got there at 7AM yet none of the race officials had arrived. On top it, the skies looked too threatening. They could potentially open up at any second.

After some warm up miles, the runners were being called to the starting line. The rain starts coming down. It was very light at first, but was steadily getting heavier. My shoes and socks appeared to be sponges for every drop that hit me.

We get some last minute instructions. In the back of my mind, I hope the course is well marked because I have no idea where we are going.

The gun sounds and we launch off the line. Well, most of the younger runners launched off the line. I was felt like I was stuck in cement. The skies now totally open up. I catch up to Nick and Roark who I am assume run for Marvin Ridge High School. They were getting a lot of cheers from their classmates along the course. This was especially true at the turn around where the race's only water stop was located.

I really want to give these volunteers major props. The rain was really coming down and they were still out there showing us where to go and trying to hand us cups of water. And, did I forget to mention, it was thundering and lightening during the race. There is nothing like a little lightening to help quicken the pace.

Nick and I were running side by side to the turnaround where he jumped out a couple of steps. I think he was empowered by his classmates.

We had a nice little climb back to Crane Rd and then it was back to the school. Once we made the right on Crane, I could feel a gap opening. From there it was just run hard back to the school. The feeling was really nice to hit the track and be running hard.

Going into the race, my goal was 17:59. A good hard effort and see how the hamstring handles the stress.

The first mile was a really sluggish 5:51. The 2nd and 3rd miles felt better 5:36 and 5:35. I crossed the finish line with a time of 17:43.

This was the first time that I have run mile with a 5 on the front of it in nearly 6 months and the first time that I have been on a certified course under 18 minutes since Greek Fest last fall.

My legs by no means felt great. They didn't really like the intensity going through them and were sore the next day.

My best take-a-way is that I felt like I have more in the tank and I am crossing fingers that I found a way to pull it out in the coming months.


Sharing one thought at time,


The Cool Down Runner


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