OBX in the Rearview Mirror

Two weeks have past since OBX. My body appears to be returning to some level of normalcy. My legs have repaired nicely. My hamstring is no longer sore. Although, my hips still feel a little tight. But the good news is that this tightness goes away after the first mile or so of a run.

The only other thing that I can cry about is this nagging cold. As I understand it the body's immune system dips down after these type of hard events. When it does this dip, it makes you susceptible to colds. Right now, my cold is just in my eyes and sinus. I will give it a few more days and if it doesn't improve, then I will make an appointment with my family doctor. I am sure that he will have something to knock it out.

Other than this cold, my sleeping and running are returning to normal. I sleep about 8.5 hours last night which is a full hour longer than usual. As for running, I met Jeff C. at Latta Plantation for 10 miles which was my longest run since the marathon. The trails were in fair shape. They had blown the leaves off of some of the trails. While some of the other trails the leaves were so thick that you cannot see the rocks which provides plenty of opportunities for flexing the ankles.

I think I will stick to the North Meck Trail for a while longer.

My plan includes another week of recovery so I will keep the mile down, but I will throw in a couple of fairly short-long runs (relatively speaking). Probably on Wednesday, I will do 14 and 12 on Friday. The other days will remain 7 miles including Turkey day Thursday. With no plans to race on the roads, I am enjoying this downtime. It give me a chance to do some things that I don't normal do and best of all enjoy this holiday season.


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