Send my thoughts and prayers to Boston
My thoughts and prayers are with the runners, their families, and the people of Boston tonight. No one should have to endure events such as those occurring today.
Events like today truly sadden my heart when I hear about them. The sadness hurts even more when someone chooses to make a "statement" that involves a sport that I love so much. Running unlike any other sport on this planet allows us to run in the footsteps of heroes both past and present. No place is this truer than at one of the most historical road race in America – the Boston Marathon.
Many sports took years, decades, and yes, even sometimes generations or more before they accepted everyone regardless of their race, creed, color, or walk of life. Running never had to endure these hardships.
As runners, we treat everyone as an equal.
The real lose is that someone has chosen to strip away this last bit of innocence. They have targeted a sport that maybe the most pure ever.
Time will pass. Streets will be cleaned. Building updated. However, today will be long be marked as darkest hour in the history of the Boston Marathon and we should never forget those that were lost and injured today.
Thoughts and prayers,
The Cool Down Runner