Maybe just a little too vigorous

Ok, last week, my plan was to introduce two form drill workouts into my weekly training schedule. Wednesday came. I did my first session. The plan was to do a follow up session on Saturday afternoon. Thursday even, my groin was feeling sore. Friday, soreness was fully developed. After 14 miles pretty spry miles with Jason and Mike on Saturday morning, any plans for a second form drill were put on hold.

During our form drill session with Mark someone asked the question "how many sessions should someone do per week?" Mark recommended two sessions.

My enthusiasm got the best of me and my workout was probably harder than it should have been.

And as I thought more about it, yes, two drill sessions are better than one. But one drill session is better than no drill sessions.

Time for a reality check, I should have eased into these sessions. Thus, I went back and changed my training schedule to include only 1 session for the next 5 weeks. Let's build a little strength into the legs before jumping in with both feet.

Sometimes I forget that just because I can do something, it doesn't mean that I should do it all out from the start.



Sharing one thought at time,


The Cool Down Runner


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