Charlotte 10/4 Miler Water Stop Report

Saturday, TrySports took over a stretch of road to provide H20 for the runners in the Charlotte 10 and 4 mile races. Thomas, Paul and his 2 daughters, myself, and 3 other girls who doing this as part of their community service work began our setup just after 7AM. Mike K. then showed up with his son. Stan came by as did Rob D. and Justin. Megan and Meghan made an appearance. John F. also made an appearance but looked mighty cold. Glen was there to help with music and some of the picture taking.
For those that don't know the temperatures were in the mid 30s with a solid wind blowing against us. Definitely, the fingers were left with a tingling numb feeling.
Racing for our TrySports team, Delena, Michelle, and Mo made a great showing by going 1, 2, and 3 overall for the women.
We cheered, played music, handed out water, and otherwise did our best to lend the passing runners all the energy we could as they headed forth in the last mile of their respective races.
Delena, Michelle, and Mo even came back after their races to hand out water. Mo looked so cold standing there with a cup of water in her hand. I will be the first to admit Charlotte has some tough fast woman and I am certainly glad they are on our TrySports team.
Lastly, I want to share my personal appreciate to everyone that came out Saturday morning and volunteered their time. You made a difference.

Sharing one thought a time,
The Cool Down Runner


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