Yearly Health Screening
A while back I had my yearly health screening. I like writing about this because we age a little bit every day, and running puts a lot of miles on our bodies. Making this yearly visit to see my doctor allows me to confidently go out the door without to much worry. None of us like the thought that we might keel over while running.
As usual, having an active life does wonders for my health numbers. All of them were within the expected tolerances for someone my age. I was especially happy with my cholesterol number. While well under 200, it had been pushing up over the last couple of years. This year, it was down nearly 10 points. Makes me wonder if running more ultras has anything to do with it.
I will probably never know but anything that keeps the heart beating is a good thing. Right?
Kickin' up trail dust,
The Cool Down Runner
As usual, having an active life does wonders for my health numbers. All of them were within the expected tolerances for someone my age. I was especially happy with my cholesterol number. While well under 200, it had been pushing up over the last couple of years. This year, it was down nearly 10 points. Makes me wonder if running more ultras has anything to do with it.
I will probably never know but anything that keeps the heart beating is a good thing. Right?
Kickin' up trail dust,
The Cool Down Runner