Evening Tether Practice Run
Thursday started off what would be a busy three day stretch
for me. After a full day of work, I headed up the street to Charlotte Running
Company's new store at Northlake for our tether team practice run.
I scheduled our first practice one in the evening and that was back
in early October when the temperatures were better and there was still plenty
of sunlight. The last three practice runs were on the weekend during the
afternoon. The afternoon runs worked out pretty well and were much safer.
However, there were a few that asked about another evening practice run
so when Charlotte Running Company said that they were willing to host a run, I
put out the word.
We met up at 6:30 PM at their store. I had a smaller
crowd of runners given the cold and drizzle that was settling over Charlotte.
We made two loops around Perimeter Woods business park. All
of it was on the sidewalks and most of it was pretty well light. Several of us
had head lamps which also helped.
2 miles complete and no falls. I counted this as a good
practice run.
I would like to thank the Charlotte Running Company for
hosting our practice run and for the refreshments afterwards.
Also, I would like to thank the runners for coming out. I know after a difficult work day driving to Northlake for a run isn't easy so I want to personally say "Thank You" for your efforts.
For those asking, there is a good chance that I will
schedule one more practice run. If indeed this happens, our run will cover the
majority of the course and will be on the first Saturday in December. We will most
likely start from Jason Deli. Starting here we don’t have to cross rt. 73 which
is safer when I have bunch of people bungeed corded together. Let me see if I can work something out.
Sharing one thought at time,
The Cool Down Runner