WWC East Bound 1/2 Marathon Trail Race
Both the 1/2 marathon and 5k runners rolled off from the start at the same time. This made for a mad dash to the trail head since we were all headed for the East Main trail. Luckily, the 5k runners split off about a quarter mile into the trail. Still, I had a couple of guys right behind me.
If you are not familiar, the WWC East Bound 1/2 marathon gets its name from the trail upon which it is run: East Main. Arguably, this is the toughest trail at the WWC. For those souls who were foolish enough to sign up for this race, they have to do the same trail twice. Typically, the first loop just wears you down. The 2nd loop finishes off anything that's left.
During my 2nd loop, I caught a few guys that had given their all. East Main 1, them 0.
Overall, I didn't feel like I got out all that well. However, as I got into the 2nd loop, I started feel better. I think some of my fast miles of the race were on the backside of East Main.
I finished 9th overall in 1:48:55 and 2nd in the 51-60 age.
Now, I am off to run a 25K next week.
The Cool Down Runner