Visitor Center 2 Visitor Center Long Run

Funny how one's memory tends to soften experiences over time. I have not done a Crowders to Kings Mt Visitor Center run in more than 18 months. I thought maybe this was a good time to get in one. 

So, last Saturday, I set off for the Sparrow Springs Visitor Center, and shortly after 8 AM, I started my run headed up their Turnback trail towards Pinnacle Rock. I was lugging about 3 liters of water on my back. I was taking my time, and honestly, the run up was not hard. 

Oh, before I forget, I need to add the following small story. As I was leaving the parking lot, I take a small gravel trail through a field before entering the woods. I was maybe 1/2 way across when the alarms started blaring in my brain. There was a long Copperhead snake lying right in the middle of the trail. I made a full stop. He didn't seem to be reacting to me, so I decided to quietly pass by tail side giving him plenty of room. I never saw another snake the entire run. For as much as I am on the trials, I don't seem to encounter snakes all that often. 

After touching the rock on top, I head back down to the Ridgeline trail, and then I headed for the Kings Mt. visitor center. 

Along the way, I met a few runners. I met a few more hikers once I got into the Kings Mt Park. 

Something that crossed my mind during this run, the North Carolina side of this trail seems to be better maintained while the South Carlonia side less so. I say this because when trees fall across the trail on the NC side, someone is cutting it up and clearing the trail. On the SC side, the tree remains on the trail, but trail reroutes around it. I saw several places where this has occurred. 

As I pulled into the Kings Mt visitor center, my Camelbak was nearly empty. Then, I was making a point to drink and drink often. 

I went into the bathroom, and I put some cold water on my head. This was definitely helped even if it was short lived. 

I mixed in some dry powder and refilled my Camelbak to the tip top.  

It was time for the return trip. I tried to not think about how hot it was getting or how I hot that I was feeling. Best if I just kept moving. 

A few times, I popped out in an open section on the course, and when I did, the sun just seem to be burning my skin. 

Drinking helped but even the water tasted warm. 

My roughest section was the climbing back up the railroad ties to the top of Ridgeline. I took a short breather and looked up toward the top. I wanted badly to just set down and rest and more so just be cooler. This wasn't going to happen - speaking of the cooling part if I didn't keep going. 

I pushed on and over the top. Once on top of the ridge, I felt a breezing blowing, and this helped. 

I made the short climb back to up Pinnacle Rock before finishing off the 2ish miles back to my car. 

When I made back to my car, I opened it and pulled the cold drinks that I had stash there. I had run out of water with about 1/2 mile to go. The cool water tasted so good. 

I headed home tired but happy that I checked this box. Maybe next time, I will defer this run to sometime in January or February. At least, I should do it in a month where the expected temperature isn't expected to be over 100 degrees.

The Cool Down Runner


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