Looking over my shoulder at 2020

2020, I will remember it as the year where the world was turned on its ear. 

I will remember how the Corona virus changed our lives. I will think about all of the people the brothers, the sisters, the sons, the daughters, the fathers, the mothers, who lost their lives to this dreaded disease and say a pray for their families. 

I will think about the "change" that we all agree; the world needs to embrace. We need to do better in how we treat our fellow man. Our differences is what makes us great. We need to embrace those differences. I will say a pray for all of us to do a little better. 

I will think about the huge number of hurricanes and wild fires that tore into our country, our states, our towns, our cities, and most of our homes and our families. I think about how those people are still trying to put their lives back together. I will say a pray for them. 

2020 has tested us all like no other year that I can remember in my entire life. I think we are yearn for '21 to be a better year. 

With this in mind, I am setting three resolutions for myself in '21. 

I will think about those that have past each day.

I will say a pray for their families each day. 

I will strive to help make the world a better place each day.  


Now, you are up. What will you do? 

Looking back....

Cool Down Runner


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