Alternating Miles workout
My workout was much earlier in the day yesterday so I was feeling pretty good before my evening came "crashing" down.
A few weeks ago, I did this alternating miles workout and blogged about it on my site. This week, I thought it was time to repeat the workout and see how I would do.
I ran over the same course as the previous workout and ran at roughly the same time of day.
7:12 – warm up mile
6:15 - on the gas
6:49 – off the gas
5:56 – on the gas
7:02 - off the gas
5:58 – on the gas
6:59 – off the gas
6:05 – on the gas
7:16 – off the gas
5:51 on the gas
Cool down walking – ½ mile
During my previous attempt at this workout, my warm up was 7:45, then 6:33, 6:10, 6:11, 6:09, 5:56.
My "on the gas" miles were all quicker in this workout. Maybe they were a little too quick because I was feeling a little more leg weary in the middle intervals. This left me running a few of the recovery sections slightly slower than I expected.
But the workout taken holistically was a nice win. I feel like all extra hard running is having a positive effect and getting me into the right kind of shape for a fall marathon.
Some years, I will repeat certain workouts and other years, I do all new workouts during my training phases. I don't know that there is one method that works best. Running new workouts leaves some doubt in my mind if I am improving, but repeating a workout can cut both ways.
In my case, I can definitely see improvement in the above workout. But the workout could just have as easily went sideways and left me discouraged.
In the end each runner must decided on what workouts to using during their training because the battle is not just improving the body but keeping the mind motivated as well.
Sharing one thought at time,
The Cool Down Runner