Snow and Ice Nearly gone

 Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, my runs have pretty much all been on snow and ice. It occurred to after running three days in these conditions, I never came close to falling. However, yesterday, I finished up my run, and I was walking back to my house. 

Suddenly, my left foot slipped on some ice. All my weight sent into my right foot, leg, and ankle. Yes, the one that's has been giving me trouble. Suddenly, all those tendons and muscles that have been slow to heal get a full load of stress. I didn't go down but neither did I do ankle any favors. I guess that I just delayed my recovery by a few more weeks. Oh, well, enough about my personal pains. 

Sunday was cool little 10 mile run. The roads were pretty much quiet with the exception of a few people driving way to fast for conditions. The snow turned my hard roads and sidewalks in to a soft bed just like running on the trails. 

Monday was worse, however. Thawing and refreezing plus people getting a little stir crazy and getting out broke up all the smooth patches. My ankle was rotating all other the place. Not what it needed. 

As I was finishing up this run, I was coming down hill on Reames road. This car was attempting to pass a much larger truck when it started to fish tail. I watched as the rear swung back and forth and eventually went all the around. The car crossed the road and stopped just short of a huge ditch. I could see the driver in the car. He backs out and downhill on the road, takes off and attempts to whip it around back in to the other lane going down hill. The car is carrying way too much momentum and goes around again. By now, traffic is stopped in both directions. I slow down running. Somewhat to watch but mostly to stay out of his way. Clearly, driving is not his strongest asset. 

He finally gets the car righted and headed down hill. Although, he is driving along at a more sensible page. 

I wanted to share this story for a reason. While at the time, I was no real danger. As I thought about it later, I remembered that I slowed down to talk to a couple guys out shoveling snow from their driveway. If not for those few seconds talking to them, I would have likely been running right where that car came across the road. This would not have been a good thing - especially for me. 

All I can say is that someone was looking out for me. I appreciate their efforts very much. 

Cool Down Runner


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