Grand Master - Running Streak Status

 Today, I crossed over 35 years of my daily running streak. Well, technically, the year ended yesterday but whose is counting. 

I hadn't even thought much about it until I received an email from the Running Streak Group. They sent me a congratulatory email about 35 years and moving in to the Grand Master category. 

Grand Master sounds kind of far up doesn't. It is not even close. For the last 5 years, I have been considered a Master. But now, I am Grand Master. 

If I am able to keep running, in 5 more years, I will move in to the Legends category. 5 more years i.e. 46 to 50 years is the Coverts category. Legends, I kind of get. Coverts, honestly, I don't know how it pertains to running. Then, there are the Hills for 50+ which I believe in reference to Ron Hill's many years of running. Makes sense. 

Jon Sutherland sets atop the active running streak with 19,140 days. He started his streak in 1969.  A mere 4 years after I was born.

When people ask me about my streak, and how long I have been running. To them, I am seem to have been running forever. In comparison to Jon, I am a mere babe in the woods. He has been treading mile after mile while I was still learning how to walk. I have a lot of catching up to do. Maybe some day. Who knows. I don't see myself quitting anytime soon. 

Cool Down Runner - running at least a mile every day. 


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