Long Runs – Plan accordingly

I had pushed off my 20 miler to Sunday since I had been volunteering at Foot Locker on Friday and Saturday. Getting up and running 20 miles, then spending all day on my feet just didn’t sound like a good idea.

In hindsight, I should have thought about how my run would go on Sunday. I didn’t, but then most of my learning experiences go through trial and error phases.

For the first 10 miles, my legs felt decent. The pace was not exceptionally fast but overall, the miles were passing by. As the miles from 11-15 went by, I could feel my legs beginning to tighten up. The miles from 16-20 were just more of the same.

Wouldn’t it be nice if every run felt easy, but most runs are not like that. To quote Larry the Cable guy – sometimes, you just have to “Getter Done”!


The Cool Down Runner


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