Marshall Marathon

 I am finally back in front of my computer screen, so I need to say something about my Marshall Marathon from a couple of weeks ago. I last ran this race about 7 years ago. I decided to try my luck at this course once again. I was happy with the result. I ran 3:02:47 and finished 16th overall. This placed me 1st in my age group. They had made a few tweaks in the course, but by and large, this course was pretty much the same. 

I tried to settle in for the first 10 miles, but around 12 miles, I feel like I hit a bad spot. I felt like I was struggling. At the halfway point, I took a gel, and about a mile later, I started to feel better. At least, I felt better enough, that I was able to rejoin a group that had passed me. 

Through 18 miles, I was still feeling good and grabbed another gel. Somewhere around 23 miles, my quad started to tighten. My pace started to slow. I tried some different things to shake it off but none of it was working. 

While there are several cool spots along the course, my favorite is when they toss you the football, and you run to the finish with it. Sadly, this year I had to give the football back, but I do have one that they let me keep from 7 years ago. 

The awards were different from my past experience. All award winners received miniature Marshall Team Football helmets. I have mine setting on my desk right now.  

A buddy and I were talking about this race, I was said that I wanted to go back, but I wanted to run the 1/2 marathon. The 1/2 and full race start at the same time, and they run along the same course. So, you can image; around 9 to 10 miles, I am running along, and the runners around me start picking up the pace. I feel like I am slowing down. Even when I am not. Then, we split, and the 1/2 runners head for the finish while I start my 2nd loop. Somewhat gassed since I have been trying to keep up with them. 

Lastly, only in WV do they start their races by firing a cannon. At least, the ones I have run. Love a good firing of a cannon. 

The Cool Down Runner


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