WWC River Jam 10k - Aug Edition
This wasn't the hottest River Jam in recent memory yet the temperature was still pretty warm. By the time, I started up the ridgeline in the first 1/2 mile, sweat was beading off my forehead. I had runners both in front of me and behind me. I felt like I was in a packed elevator.
Over the top of the ridge and down by the river we went. Some gaps started to open-up but I couldn't make my legs take advantage of them. They felt oh so heavy. I was two miles in and already looking for the finish line.
While I am sure that most mt. bikers love the short little detour on to Slalom, I just cringe. Up and down, back and forth, any rhythm I had running is now gone.
From there I follow the trail to the point that I can almost taste the parking. I can certainly see it. Yet, I have to turn away to run a short little mile loop on the Lake Loop trail.
Finally, I am out in to the parking. I feel the ever so slightest of breezes. Before I can really enjoy it; I have to drop back in to the trail section behind the pavilion for maybe 1/2 mile. Lots of 5k runners are now making their way through this section. Between grasping for air, I call out "excuse me", "pardon me", "on your left", or "on your right". Sometimes nothing works, and I have to tap them on the shoulder because they are lost in iTunes or Spotify only to watch them jump in surprise. I don't know. They are running a race on a single track trail. Maybe they think no one is ever going to come up behind. I just don't know.
The light brightens, and I can see the channel just head. The grass around the channel feels awesome to my feet. The bend in the channel ends, and I can see the finish banner.
No amount of "willing" will make my tired legs go any faster. Crossing the finish line, I came to a halt, bend over, and put my hands on my knees. I then waited for my breathing to finish. I got so far ahead of it in the first 1/2 mile that it doesn't finish until 5 minutes later.
I finished a solid 8 OA in 46.41.
September will be here before any of us know it and with it, I will be running the last River Jam 10k of the series.
Cool Down Runner