Streaking across midnight

 Sorry, there is no nudity in this post. 

Another runner posed this question to me about maintaining a consecutive day running streak and running across mid-night. 

The question was if I started my run at 11:30 PM and ran to 12:30 AM, does this count as having run a mile in both day even though it happened all during a single run. 

The running streak guidelines as I understand them say that I must run 1 mile under my own power during the calendar day. Meaning as long as I cover the 1 mile distance even if it is the same run, it still counts as having run at least 1 mile in each day. I just run a full mile on before and after mid-night. 

Honestly, I can count the number of times that I found myself in this situation on one hand. A few years ago, I ran night time 12 hour event so I was running miles on both sides of mid-night. In my 100 miler two years ago, I finished 5 minutes in to the day but didn't run a full mile so to keep my streak alive, I got up 6 hours later ran two more miles. They were slow but I got them done. 

I thought that this was an interesting questions so I wanted to share my thoughts. 

Cool Down Runner


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