TerraQuest - Planning More testing

 After my experience with TerraQuest app a few weeks ago, I was intrigued by the possibilities. The airplane mode GPS tracking could be a huge help for me navigating unknown trails. 

With this mind, I found a gpx map for a course of which I am somewhat familiar. I took the gpx file, and I uploaded it in to TerraQuest on their website under my account. 

Then, when I through adding voice prompts along the route to remind of which way to turn. I plan to test it out this Saturday. 

I also added another nice touch to it. 

While I was adding in the turn by turn instructions, I realized that I could any voice prompt so I went back and added encouraging prompts along the way. I think sometimes when I am out on a long stretch with no one insight or having not seen any one for miles, it would be nice to have a little "ada-boy" encouragement. I am interested to see how well it works. 

Stay tuned for my report next week. 

Cool Down Runner Adventures 


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