Guinness World Record Tether Team

There is only a few more days left in ’14, and before it finishes up, I need write my about my CRC Tether team experience.

After months of planning, worrying if I would get enough runners to make it happen, and then worrying if enough runners would show up on race morning, the big day finally arrived. I slept only a scant few hours during the night.

By 4:30 I was awake and pacing the floor. By 5 AM, I was headed toward to the race starting area. Getting moving allowed me to focus more on the things that needed to get done rather than the things that could go wrong.

After all, with nearly 200 runners willing to participate in this effort, I didn’t want to let anyone down.

Bear and I had a quick call which told me where to setup our tent. This would be just outside Fleet Feet. To combate the dark of these late winter mornings, I had outlined my tent with Christmas lights and a rotating blue light. For those that don’t know, I love lights. I have since I was a child. Thus, I can never have too many of them. It is just not possible.

Setting up the tent is pretty much standard for me these days. I have the solo sequence of the setup down pat.

By 6 AM runners were starting to arrive. Between then and the race start, time literally flew by. Much of it was spent sharing information, demonstrating how to put on the belt and attach the carabineer, and mark off runners as they arrived.

At 7:30 AM I spent 10 minute updating the stewards and line captains of their roles and responsibilities. Passing out the bungee cord for each line was the easy part.

Finally, the time arrived for us to get started.

As I walked over to the starting area, I breathed a huge sigh of relief. Everyone was lined up and ready go.

The 5k started and I waited for all of the racers to clear the starting line before we began to move.  

For the next 3.1 miles, we would run/walk. The stewards did a great job making sure everyone participated and was safe. The runners sang songs but most important paid attention to those around them and had a great time.

I have watched the video of us finishing a hundred times. I am still amazed. The crowd roar was awesome. The runners were so excited.   Heck, I was on cloud nine.

The feeling of accomplishment is just beyond explanation for me. Bringing a Guinness World Record to Charlotte and making a whole bunch of runners in to World Record Holders, I could not ask for a better way to end up my CRC Presidency or finish up the ’14 year.

Afterwards, I just wanted to hang out with the entire team and soak up the atmosphere.

What an amazing experience. I am so appreciate of everyone that helped me make this happen.
Here's a link to the video of our record settting accomplishment.


Happy Holidays,
The Cool Down Runner



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